(503) 538-9419 info@nwfriends.org

Related NW Yearly Meeting Organizations

The following organizations receive most or all of their members through election by the Yearly Meeting or its councils and boards, and are accountable to the Yearly Meeting.

Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Foundation

See 8.08.06, under Finance Committee


Friends Church Extension Fund

Available to members, associates, friends, congregations and organizations of the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church. For information on investing with the Friends Church Extension Fund, contact the Yearly Meeting office at (503) 538-9419.

[VIEW/DOWNLOAD] Friends Church Extension Fund rate information.


George Fox University

George Fox University, the Yearly Meeting institution of higher education, reports annually to the Yearly Meeting, which elects all its trustees. Of the forty-two trustees, not more than fourteen are elected each year for terms of three years. These are nominated as follows: not more than six by the Executive Council of the Yearly Meeting; not more than six by the University Board of Trustees; not more than two by the University Alumni Association. Members to fill vacancies occurring otherwise than by expiration of term are nominated by the group entitled to representation by the original nomination. University bylaws state that no change affecting the relationship between the University and the Yearly Meeting may be made without consent of the Yearly Meeting. The Center for Peace Learning is an agency of George Fox University with its own board of advisers.



Camp Tilikum

Camp Tilikum, a Yearly Meeting camping ministry, reports annually to the Yearly Meeting, which approves all its Board of Directors. A representative of NWYM, as appointed by the Superintendent, shall be a member of the board. Directors of the board shall be members or active attendees of churches within the NWYM at a minimum ratio of four-sevenths (4/7) of the total number of board members. Those serving who are not members of churches within NWYM shall be active congregants of their home congregations (in accordance with the practice of their congregations). All board members shall be followers of Jesus Christ and shall subscribe in writing to a Statement of Faith in keeping with principles of Faith and Practice, and approved by the board. Tilikum bylaws state that no change affecting the relationship between Tilikum and the Yearly Meeting may be made without consent of the Yearly Meeting.



Organizations Serving Northwest Yearly Meeting

These Friends organizations have a direct ministry relationship with Northwest Yearly Meeting, but appoint their own officers.

Friends Men

Friends Men offers men of the Yearly Meeting an annual retreat for inspiration and fellowship and fosters interest in special projects of Christian outreach. The fellowship appoints its own officers.


Friends Women

Friends Women promotes missions by sharing and distributing literature, by praying for the missionaries and encouraging their families, and by contributing financial support. Friends Women sponsors an annual retreat. It appoints its own officers.


The Pastors Association

The pastors and other ministers of Northwest Yearly Meeting meet annually for fellowship and inspiration. The Pastors Association appoints its own officers. It also makes appointments to a related organization (see above).

Evangelical Friends Church International

Evangelical Friends Church International (EFCI) consists of four regions of evangelical Friends: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and north America. By virtue of membership in Evangelical Friends Church International/North America, Northwest Yearly Meeting is a member of Evangelical Friends International.



Evangelical Friends Church International/North America

Northwest Yearly Meeting is a member of Evangelical Friends Church International/North America (EFCI/NA). It is represented by the general superintendent, two members from each appropriate board, and one member-at-large. EFCI/NA provides cooperative action in missions (Evangelical Friends Mission – EFM), education, and publications; and it represents the constituent yearly meetings in various Friends ecumenical activities. It holds national conferences periodically. Its Statement of Faith is found in the Appendix.



Evangelical Friends Mission

evangelical-friends-mission-logoEFM can be described as a team of missionaries located all around the world. We play with the skills, gifts and experience God has given us and within the cultures where we live and work. As we seek first God’s kingdom we release missionaries to play within the four boundary lines of our mission (and we talk about a “soccer field” as an analogy). These boundaries help us make disciples and plant groups of churches that will go on to reproduce themselves. They also promote unity and creativity.



Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC)

friends-world-committee-for-consultationFriends World Committee for Consultation, with which NWYM is affiliated, facilitates communication, inter-visitation and fellowship among Friends worldwide. FWCC was founded in 1937 “to act in a consultative capacity to promote better understanding among Friends the world over.



The National Association of Evangelicals

national-association-of-evangelicalsNorthwest Yearly Meeting is a member of the National Association of Evangelicals, with representation through Evangelical Friends International/NA appointment. The Statement of Faith of the Association is found in the Appendix.


About: Faith and Practice

A Book of Christian Discipline

Download the full PDF document [HERE].