Northwest Yearly Meeting Ministries
Seleccione este enlace para informarse sobre los ministerios para los de habla espanol en los estados de Oregon, Washington y Idaho.” Iglesias Evangelicas Los Amigos”.
Adult Ministries
Northwest Yearly Meeting works to provide fellowship, support, and ministry opportunities for Friends men and women in many ways.
Camping Programs
The camps that serve NWYM are among the finest and they are able to offer scores of opportunities for ministry to children, youth, and adult each year. There are four camping and retreat facilities that are associated with the Northwest Yearly Meeting.
Camp Tilikum
Quaker Cove Camp
Quaker Hill Camp
Twin Rocks Friends Camp
Local Ministries
Our board of Local Outreach works in a variety of ways to help us build meaningful bridges to people in need and to those who don’t know Jesus yet; addressing issues of justice and evangelism in the Pacific Northwest.
Northwest Yearly Meeting has programs and activities for children in addition to programs offered by individual churches. A week of interesting and exciting activities is offered during the annual sessions (Yearly Meeting) held in July. Grade school children are invited to participate in the day camp program at Tilikum during the week, with evening activities during the nightly sessions. Other camping opportunities are available during the summer through the various camps (see Camping Programs).
Educational Institutions
There are educational institutions that are affiliated with the Northwest Yearly Meeting. These institutions cover grades K-12, undergraduate, graduate, and seminary programs.
Global Ministries
Our global ministries are sponsored by the Board of Global Outreach. Along with other Friends regions around the country, our sending agency is Evangelical Friends Mission.
Leadership Training
Training opportunities are offered by youth ministries and other boards, as well as through regional gatherings and conferences and various retreats.
Quakers have been committed to active peacemaking since their inception in the mid-1600s. Our understanding of the teachings of Jesus Christ lead us to work for peace and to address the causes of violence. This is not a passive response to uncomfortable situations, but an active response that often moves us out of our comfort zone. We offer this information as a challenge to action and obedience.
Youth and Young Adults
Fellowship, spiritual formation, discernment skills, leadership development and support for the transitions of life are offered to help support the local church in ministering to youth and young adults.
Helpful links
Ministries by Age
Ministries by Type
Adult Ministries
Camping Programs
Educational Institutions
Global Outreach
Local Ministries
Leadership Training
Volunteers on Wheels
Youth and Young Adults