(503) 538-9419 info@nwfriends.org

NWYM Boards

The Eight Boards

There are eight boards that help govern and direct the Yearly Meeting.

  • Christian Education and Discipleship
  • Communications
  • Congregational Care
  • Elders
  • Global Outreach
  • Leadership Development and Enrichment
  • Local Outreach
  • Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Christian Education and Discipleship

Focus*: Comprised of Friends with gifts, expertise, and passion for assisting others to follow Christ faithfully and to be transformed into His image.

This is done by offering churches grants to help with educational materials, including bibles to give to your kids, and with starting Bible quizzing teams.

* from NWYM Faith and Practice. For more information [CLICK HERE].


Focus*: Composed of Friends with gifts, expertise, and passion for developing connection and fostering communications.

The Connection is one way the members of NWYM learn what is happening around and in the Yearly Meeting.

If you don’t receive The Connection, call NWYM and we will sign you up!

A new monthly podcast is up and running! You can listen to them on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Anchor, or Google Podcasts.

* from NWYM Faith and Practice. For more information [CLICK HERE].

Congregational Care

Focus*: Comprised of Friends with gifts, passion, and expertise in helping our churches be healthy, faithful, and effective communities of worship, service, and fellowship.

One way we are doing this is by having a consultant come to a church who has asked for help to revitalize their church. Many of our churches are small and are struggling. Covid increased this struggle and so our consultants are working with churches who have requested help. One church has already seen how God has used this program to encourage and inspire them. Our newest staff member, Alan Weinacht, is overseeing this program.

Church Revitalization Consultation

Church Revitalization (CR) is a process, not an event, a program, or a finish line. It is an experience of a fresh wind of the Spirit that is evidenced in health, growth, and multiplication.

Share Call

This program has helped countless churches in completing facility projects. It is using the barn raising concept, where many hands make light work, by many people contributing a share towards a church’s “barn-raising” project. Marion Friends Church is the latest beneficiary of this program. They were able to “raise” over $20K towards paving their parking lot that is currently gravel.

* from NWYM Faith and Practice. For more information [CLICK HERE].


Focus*: A group of wise, discerning, and spiritually mature Friends who help encourage the overall, spiritual welfare of NWYM.

One of the resources that is beneficial is the Elders Handbook. Another is a workshop for Elders presented by Jim Le Shana.

Pastoral counseling sometimes is necessary for the well being of the pastor. Funds are available at the discretion of the superintendent when help is needed.

Each member of the board of elders is in communication with churches in NWYM.  If you want to know what board member is your church’s contact, email the NW Yearly Meeting offices, or call (503) 538-9419.

* from NWYM Faith and Practice. For more information [CLICK HERE].

Board of Elders October 2022 letter regarding sacraments.  [LETTER]

Global Outreach

Focus*: Comprised of Friends with gifts, passion, and expertise in cross-cultural and overseas outreach ministries, aiming to encourage evangelism, church planting, peacemaking, social justice, environmental responsibility, and compassionate service.

In 2018 NYWM voted unanimously to join Evangelical Friends Missions (EFM). We do this by supporting their general budget as well as individuals and churches supporting those who are in countries around the world.

EFM’s goal to start 5 new fields with 10 new family units in 5 years is also known as The Luke 10 Initiative. 10 locations were identified and exploration is happening in each of these locations. The first “Future Missionaries” conference held in 2021 had over 100 participants!

* from NWYM Faith and Practice. For more information [CLICK HERE].

Leadership Development and Enrichment

Focus*: Comprised of Friends who are passionate and gifted in identifying, equipping, and releasing leaders to serve faithfully and effectively within NWYM and beyond.

One way is by providing scholarship funds to those who want to attend a Friends higher level education to become a pastor in NWYM. We need to raise up more people who feel God’s calling on their life to become pastors. Another way is to attend conferences like Friends Summit 2023 for young adults.

Is God calling you to serve Him in the church?

* from NWYM Faith and Practice. For more information [CLICK HERE].

Local Outreach

Focus*: Comprised of Friends with gifts, passion, and expertise in outreach ministries, by encouraging the work of calling people into life-changing relationships with Jesus Christ.

God is on the move in NWYM! We have 2 new church plants in Oregon. They are Bend Friends Church (Bend), and Forge Life Friends (Newberg).

We are working with Evangelical Friends Church – North America to begin a new organization similar to Evangelical Friends Missions, called Evangelical Friends Church Planting, or EFCP.

* from NWYM Faith and Practice. For more information [CLICK HERE].

Youth & Young Adults

Focus*: Comprised of Friends with gifts, expertise, and passion for youth and young adult ministry.

The Youth and Young Adult board exists to come alongside churches, students, and young adults and support them through various discipleship opportunities. Camping programs, retreats, and conferences happen throughout the year that NWYM youth and young adults can attend.

* from NWYM Faith and Practice. For more information [CLICK HERE].

Board Member Expectations

Expectations for all board appointments are:

  1. Attend all regular meetings of the body to which appointed. Yearly Meeting in July, Fall Retreat (between September-November as set by board during YM sessions), Midyear Board meetings (late January).
  2. Participate in the body’s deliberations.
  3. Be supportive of consensus decision making.
  4. Have knowledge of Faith and Practice and Yearly Meeting purpose/goals.
  5. Be an active resident member of an NWYM Friends church.
  6. Resign if other commitments prevent full participation.

Joining a Board

You can nominate someone you know who has a passion for a board’s ministry, or indicate your own interest.

Take me to the electronic Nomination Form.

Take me to the electronic Self Nomination Form.

NOTE: Read the Letter to all board appointments from Yearly Meeting leadership, June 2018.

Christian Education Grants Available

The NWYM Board of Christian Education and Discipleship offers eight matching grants in the amount of $250 each to aid local churches in their education programs. Please complete this form to apply.  [SEE THE FORM]

Share Call Grants Available

Share Call grants are available through the Board of Congregational Care. Download the application here.  [DOWNLOAD]

Bible Quizzing Grants Available

Bible Quizzing grants are available through the Christian Education and Discipleship Board.  [APPLY HERE]

Resources for Elders

Download the Elders Handbook.  [DOWNLOAD]

Board of Elders October 2022 letter regarding sacraments.  [LETTER]