(503) 538-9419 info@nwfriends.org

Volunteers on Wheels

Volunteers On Wheels (VOW) is an unincorporated non-profit organization which is recognized as a support organization for Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (NWYM), an Oregon non-profit religious corporation. VOW facilitates providing volunteer workers to NWYM, its affiliated churches, camps, schools and other related organizations as well as for other approved non-profit Christian organizations.

About VOW

Members of VOW use their individual skills to help churches, camps, schools, missions and other Christian enterprises with construction, renovation, remodeling, teaching and other areas of need. Many Vow members are retired RV owners, but the service opportunity is open to all interested persons.

Women and men, who are members and attendees of NWYM churches and other Christians who are committed to serving God with their talents and time are welcome to become part of VOW. “Wheels” in our name is meant to imply that we are mobile and willing to travel to the various work sites. There is no requirement that the member have access to a recreational vehicle.

As a support organization of NWYM, VOW members are expected to subscribe to the Core Values of NWYM as found in its Faith and Practice.

  • Jesus Christ is present.
  • Scripture calls us to account and helps us know God’s will.
  • God is the source of life, and all human life is sacred.
  • The Holy Spirit transforms and empowers us.
  • We are called to be and to make followers of Christ.
  • We are called to live out Christ’s love.
  • We are called to be agents of God’s peace and love to everyone.

Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) describes the function of VOW members, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”.

VOW Services

The kinds of service which may be provided by VOW at any given time will depend on the skills and abilities of available VOW members. As volunteers are available, VOW may offer assistance in several areas:

  • Construction such as carpentry, electrical, plumbing, welding, masonry, painting and concrete
  • General labor not requiring a particular skill
  • Ministry including pulpit supply, Bible School, Sunday School teaching, leadership training, Bible study, counseling, administration, etc.
  • Service including secretarial, sewing, library, tutoring, accounting, etc.

Volunteering with VOW

Are you interested in being a VOW volunteer? Click on the link below to access the VOW Membership Application Form.

Membership Application Form

Applying for VOW assistance

 Applicants for VOW assistance will be considered from the following:

  • Friends churches and Christian camps, schools, colleges, universities and other organizations directly associated with NWYM.
  • Friends churches and Christian non-profit organizations other than those associated with NWYM.

Responsibility of the Project Host Organization

  • Complete the Application For VOW Assistance.
  • Provide all necessary supplies, materials, and permits necessary to complete the project.
  • Supply at least one person, Applicant Project Coordinator to work with VOW volunteers and oversee the project.
  • Cooperate with the VOW Project Coordinator and volunteers to make appropriate use of volunteer skills and monitor project progress.

Responsibility of VOW

  • Name a VOW Project Coordinator
  • Assess the requested project to be sure it is appropriate based on current membership skills and abilities.
  • Recruit volunteers
  • Communicate with the Project Host Organization regarding all aspects of the project.


For more information about VOW, contact Bill Rourke at (503) 538-5567 or Bruce Longstroth at (503) 538-0471.